Microphysiological Systems in Biomedical Research: Immunology, Human Stem Cells, Microbiota Host - Interaction, Disease Modeling and Drug Development 

Gut-on-chip Publications

Maurer M., Gresnigt M.S., Last A., Wollny T., Berlinghof F., Pospich R., Cseresnyes Z., Medyukhina A., Graf K., Gröger M., Raasch M., Siwczak F., Nietzsche S., Jacobsen I.D., Figge M.T., Hube B., Huber O., Mosig A.S.; A three-dimensional immunocompetent intestine-on-chip model as in vitro platform for functional and microbial interaction studiesBiomaterials, 2019, 220, November 2019, 119396

Graf K, Last A, Gratz R, Allert S, Linde S, Westermann M, Gröger M, Mosig AS, Gresnigt MS, Hube B; Keeping Candida commensal - How lactobacilli antagonize pathogenicity of Candida albicans in an in vitro gut model. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 2019, 2(9):dmm039719. Published 2019 Sep 12. 

Siwczak F, Loffet E, Kaminska M, Koceva H, Mahe MM*, Mosig AS*, (*shared senior authorship); Intestinal stem cell development -on-chip to study the human gut. Frontiers in Immunology, 2021, (6)12:798552.